Saturday, September 30, 2017

Reconnecting with Nature

Has it really been more than four months since I last wrote anything for my blog?  I needed to re-prioritize my time over the summer.  My husband's franchise was busier than ever before, and we had house guests coming and going most of the summer.  It seemed like there were not enough hours in the day.  With going on too many nights with not enough sleep, I knew something had to go so I decided to take a vacation from writing.  Instead, I tried to get outside every spare moment I could.

My favorite summer past times are working out in the garden and sitting outside with a journal and a good book.  We spend too much of our time indoors with our busy lives, smart phones, iPads, and lap tops, that we forget about the simple joy of reconnecting with our glorious natural surroundings.  With increased exposure to modern technology and less time outdoors, no wonder many of us are battling through health struggles!

I've read numerous articles and posts about the value in connecting to the earth by getting down and dirty with all that was created for our pleasure.  How often do we take the time to be amazed by the wonder of a hummingbird's flight, the glorious hues of a butterfly, or the magnificent design of a spider web among the perennials?  These treasures uplift the spirit and bring philosophical meaning to the mundane aspects of life.  Not to mention there are real measurable health benefits.  Our bodies need the Vitamin D from the sun which is known to help in disease prevention and stabilizing our emotions.


Five years ago, I was in a fairly intense battle with Lyme disease, my body going through a strong herxing reaction with detoxing mercury which resulted bizarre side effects, including extreme sensitivity to EMF's, severe vertigo, and other neurological symptoms.  My alternative practitioner suggested I try grounding to help offset some of my symptoms.  He told me to go outside barefoot and lay down in the grass as much as my body could tolerate.  Within a few days of trying this activity, I had reduced vertigo and tachycardia, and I was able to spend more time out of bed.  From that moment on, I was hooked! 

What is grounding and how does it work?  Grounding or earthing is simply going outside and putting your bare feet in the grass, dirt, or concrete.  Our bodies are made up of energy which becomes out of balance from the EMF's in our environment.  Pollutants and EMF's from our cell phones, computers, TV's, WiFi, and other electronic devices build up free radicals in our bodies.  The natural energy fields of the earth neutralizes these free radicals which restores our natural biorhythms resulting in decreased pain/inflammation, better sleep, improved mood, and numerous other benefits.  I have been earthing for years and love spending my summers barefoot.  By now, my neighbors are used to me hanging out in our yard with a blanket or towel and laying down on the grass.  It's truly a refreshing and joyful experience!


One of the concerns with being outside in the grass is the increased risk of coming in contact with disease-carrying ticks.   Those of us who have had Lyme and other vector-borne illnesses are more aware of the dangers of tick exposure and are often unable to tolerate chemicals found in insect repellents and pesticides.   It can be a challenge coming up with  natural solutions for this dilemma and still enjoy nature.  In the fall the deer ticks can especially become aggressive and problematic for us nature lovers.

 Here are some natural solutions recommended to me.  This is a basic recipe for a natural tick spray that you can use on yourself and/or your pets, which has been recommended by my naturopath practitioner:

Add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle, followed by 2 cups of distilled white vinegar.  Ticks hate the smell and taste of vinegar and will be repelled by this ingredient alone.  You can additionally add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Citrus Oils, or Geranium Oil which give off crisp strong odors that will repel ticks.  After mixing the solution, you can spray it onto your clothing, skin, and hair before going outdoors and reapplying every four hours to keep ticks at bay.  For pets you can add two teaspoons of vegetable or almond oil that contain sulfur, another tick deterrent.  When you add lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil, this will also repel fleas.  You should spray them several times a day if they stay outdoors most of the day.

Another option is ordering specific herbs and essential oils recommended by the Buhner Protocol for tick prevention:

 Dr. Stephen Buhner recommends taking 1000 mg per day of the herb Astragalus throughout the year, increasing it to 3000 mg during tick season.  For a homemade tick repellent, Buhner recommends taking 1/2 teaspoon each of essential oils--Rhodendrom Tomentosum, Tagetes Minuta, Chameacy-paris Nootkatensis, Artemisa Absinthium, Myrica Gale, Juniperus Virginia, Eucalyptus Citriodora, and Oragnum Majorana.  Add the essential oils (4 tsp total) to 8 ounces pure grain alcohol at 995% alcohol or as close as you can get.  Blend well and store in a tightly capped brown bottle, keeping it out of the sun.  According to Buhner, these oils are available on the internet. 

I have to be very careful what natural supplements and products I use and therefor try to keep herbal remedies and essential oils to a minimum.  Instead, I have a bottle of 50% water and vinegar solution on hand to spray on my body whenever I go outside.  I will also sometimes take a shower and change my clothes after being out in the garden or tall grass just to be sure there are no ticks on me or my clothing.  I've read that keeping a lint roller handy to roll on your body/clothes is another good way to pick up any deer ticks which are about the size of a poppy seed and difficult to detect with the naked eye.


JOYFUL TREASURES:  Outdoor Companions!

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Antaole France

Introducing our new Cavapoo puppy, Oscar.  We decided to get a poodle breed for a low allergen family dog.  We wanted a therapy dog for myself and for our teenage daughter who desired to get a dog for her 18th birthday.  My husband selected this dog in particular because of his gentile docile nature.  He has a very calming effect on us and is a delight to be part of the family.  This year, I was finally able to get out and start walking.  It is a joyful experience to take our dog on neighborhood walks, using my wheelchair for balance.  Our dog loves exploring the neighborhood and sometimes he gets a free ride!  

Oscar and I also enjoy hanging out together in my garden, and I want to be sure he is safe from tick exposure.  For a natural tick repellent, my chiropractor recommends that I give him Petz Life Herbal Defense Powder, a natural alternative to the chewable tick repellents veterinarians often use.  The powder can be taken in in soft dog food twice daily for 5 days.  Repeat on a monthly basis.    The Herbal defense powder can be purchased online through Amazon and at some pet stores.  


For more details about the spiritual benefits of reconnecting with nature, you can read my blog:

For more information about the harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies and natural ways to live more fully in spite of their strong prevalence in everyday life:

To learn more about the benefits of grounding:

For more information on repelling ticks naturally:

For more information about the Buhner's protocol for Lyme and repelling ticks:

This is the natural tick defense we use for our dog:

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Electromagnetic Frequencies

It was a fall day in 2011.  I had just started a round of doxycycline for chronic Lyme disease.  My husband and I were on a weekend getaway for our anniversary.  On our way back home, he took me into the local Walmart to pick up a few items.  Immediately after entering the building, I became extremely dizzy and nauseous from the bright florescent lights.  I had experienced similar symptoms off and on since I had a tick bite 2 years prior.  This time, my symptoms were extreme, and I felt like I was about to pass out, so my husband helped me back to our vehicle.  This was my first intense experience with an unfamiliar phenomenon known as EMF or electromagnetic frequency sensitivity.

Nature is made up of energy from magnetic fields, and our bodies are naturally electronic with nerve impulses.  These natural magnetic fields can become disrupted by modern day technology that generates EMFs from various sources such as power lines, cell phones, cordless phones, lap tops, computers, televisions, electronic devices, satellite, Wi-Fi, florescent lights, microwaves, appliances, medical equipment, etc.  Electromagnetic smog consumes the world that we live in and cannot be avoided.  Additionally, most people carry their smart phones, tablets, chrome books, iPods, kindles, and other devices throughout the day, and some even sleep with them.  Schools, hospitals, and other public places are saturated with high levels of electromagnetic smog from Wi-Fi and electronic devices/equipment.

Legitimate concerns are being raised about the potential health consequences from the elevated levels of EMFs in our everyday lives, increasing the risk for cancer, neurological side effects, and other physical impairments from constant EMF exposure.  People who struggle with conditions such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome related to exposure to mold, Lyme disease, and other biotoxins can have a higher risk of experiencing EMF and florescent light sensitivities.  Furthermore, exposure to heavy metals such as mercury from dental amalgams can increase sensitivity for these individuals.  My alternative practitioner whose expertise is in EMF sensitivities has also noted that his patients who are autistic also frequently struggle with EMFs.   He has additionally mentioned that a person's sensitivity to EMFs are impacted by autoimmune challenges, especially with the myelin around nerve cells as well as imbalance of electrolytes, hormones, and other aspects of the body chemistry.

In my personal health battle, EMF sensitivity has been by far the greatest frustration for me. It was especially difficult to cope with the times I was in an intense battle of herxing from the die off of Lyme spirochetes.  I would experiences bizarre symptoms such as heart palpitations, shaking/tremors, and seizure-like symptoms when I touched and/or handled electronic devices such as my cell phone, computer, the television, and common household appliances.  These extreme symptoms went away after treatment; however, I continued to experience dizziness/vertigo, nausea, and problems with balance and mobility in settings with florescent lights, WiFi, and other sources of EMFs.  When I joined some online support groups for my specific health challenges, I found out that I was not alone.  It is actually a very common struggle, especially for chronic conditions such as Lyme disease, POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia), mast cell disease, and CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome).  Some practitioners have expressed concerns about EMF exposure with these health conditions and encourage patients to adapt their environment in order to expedite the healing process.

 I have tried numerous tactics to cope with EMFs in my environment and have been able to reduce some of my exposure by having someone come in our house to identify the strongest sources of EMFs in our home and making some alterations.  We made sure that no lights or electronic devices were near ours sleeping area.  We also eliminated all florescent lights, cordless phones, and our Wi-Fi from the house.  I found it beneficial to use the speaker on my cell phone in order to avoid having it close to my head.  I have also tried various devices to help with my sensitivities including wearing headache visors and sunglasses in public places with florescent lights, using a grounding mat at home, putting strong veterinary magnets in strategic places in our house and vehicles, and trying various devices designed by a company called Memon.     There has been some debate in my social network as to the legitimacy of Memon devices.  I think much of this controversy derives from a misunderstanding about EMFs and what the purpose of the Memon is.  I personally do not understand specifically how EMFs or these devices work and would have assumed that the Memon was used to get rid of them or cancel them out if I wasn't told otherwise; however, a Memon technician or practitioner who uses them would tell you that they do not eliminate EMFs and the increasing innovation of new technology is constantly challenging these devices.  It is impossible to eliminate EMFs from the environment but some devices are designed to use grounding, shielding, and principles of quantum physics through a process known as "harmonizing" which helps individuals cope with electromagnetic smog as well as allowing the body to release these potentially harmful frequencies.

When we purchased our first Memon, we were somewhat skeptical; however, my friend who was also considering purchasing one asked her husband, an electrical engineer, to call one of the engineers with the company to investigate the logistics of Memon technology.  He felt strongly that they were legitimate devices which helped us to make an informed decision to give it a try.  Since purchasing Memon devices,  I would say the greatest benefit I have experienced from using them is experiencing better rest at night as it has helped me to restore my body's natural biorhythms.  I have also found some Memon devices to be powerful in accelerating the body's detoxification process, especially for people who have higher levels of mercury and metals in their system.  My practitioner recommended I stop using the personal Memon device I was keeping on my body because my body was unable to tolerate the rapid detoxification of mercury.  Now, I keep the device on my computer and carry it in my purse when visiting public places, which works much better for me.  I would recommend people who have significant chemical, light, and EMF sensitivities to consult with a practitioner who specializes in EMFs before trying Memon devices other than ones for cell phone and other small electronic devices. The use of these devices can be somewhat tricky when it comes to detoxification and herxing; however, when used properly, the end result is worth it.

In this process of adapting my environment, I actually do quite well at home but still struggle in public places, especially schools and hospitals.  My sensitivities are slowly getting better over time, and I was recently able to attend my three kids' Christmas programs and sit through them all without feeling like I was going to pass out.  I was pleased to gain this ground; however, I know that I have a ways to go before I am able to physically handle environments with strong florescent lights and elevated EMF's.   I try to keep a positive attitude about it and never give up hope!



One of my favorite pastimes in the spring and summer is watching the hummingbirds, oriels, and gold finches at our feeders.   My spirit swells with joy when observing these lovely creatures that testify to God's glory.  A few years ago, my preschooler enjoyed  looking out the window to watch a hummer we named "Ruby."  Day and night, the tiny critter stationed himself near the feeder to monitor and chase off other birds.  One day my sweet boy was looking at a Backyard Birds book and shouted out the window, "Hey Ruby, I have your picture!"  

"The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land."  Song of Solomon 2:12-14



The information in this article are based on personal experiences and are not intended as expert advice on EMFs or to diagnose or treat health issues.  For more information about EMFs and their association with Lyme disease and other health risks, you can check out these links.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Detox for Pure Whole Living

We are a part of an expeditious culture increasingly exposed to radioactive waves as well as a variety of toxins in the food and beverages we consume, the air we breathe, and other substances we encounter on a daily basis.  Our society is addicted to sugar, caffeine, diet sodas, cell phones, computers, and social media—oftentimes oblivious to what they are doing to our bodies.  Have we ever stopped to consider the price our health is paying in the process?   Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders, and numerous life-threatening conditions are plaguing our lives.   It is impossible to completely avoid toxins, radioactive waves, and the electromagnetic frequencies in our technology; however, there are ways we can be proactive with our health.  When it comes to approaching pure and whole living, it is essential that we find safe and appropriate ways to cleanse and detoxify our bodies.


Some consider toxins to be the basis for diseases and problematic health conditions, and eliminating these toxins are often the foundation of alternative healthcare for healing and prevention.  There are numerous detoxification supplements, protocols, and therapies to choose from.  The right detox program can vary depending on the individual’s unique body type and health concerns.   Detoxing will sometimes initially generate unpleasant symptoms such as upper respiratory inflammation/cough, headache, pain, nausea, and dizziness.  Your current health symptoms may also temporarily worsen during the adaption phase of detoxification.  These symptoms are known as the “healing crisis” and are normal.  When using the appropriate protocol, your body’s adverse response should improve over time as you adapt and begin to heal.  Some of us have genetically impaired detoxification pathways such as the MTHFR genetic mutation that causes impairment in the methylation process, and our bodies are not able to appropriately detoxify. Chronic inflammatory response syndrome  (CIRS), conditions that elevate histamine such as mast cell, and other autoimmune conditions also involve impaired detoxification.  In these cases, some detox protocols will not be able to efficiently eliminate toxins.  Instead, they recycle the toxins through the system, causing an increase in adverse symptoms.  I have been detoxing in different modalities for 7-10 years.  Early on, I discovered that my body responded adversely to incompatible therapies and detoxifying supplements.  It is important to have open communication with your doctor or holistic practitioner about this process to ensure the appropriateness and safety of your protocol. 


Many are unaware that the electromagnetic frequencies (EMF's) in our environment can complicate natural detoxification.  When our bodies are exposed to elevated levels of EMF's, especially satellites and WiFi, our bodies lock in heavy metals such as mercury.  More practitioners are recognizing the potential harm to the body in high EMF environments, especially for those who are battling Lyme disease, as Lyme can cause an unusual sensitivity and reaction to EMF's.  Although, we cannot block EMF's, when we can reduce exposure by removing our WiFi, Satellite, microwaves, and shut off our phones and other electronic devices for periods of time.  We can also utilize devices that help our bodies to release the EMF's through grounding and other technology such as a product called Memon.  In this process, our bodies will begin to naturally detox these metals.  I have tried several strategies in this area and have found that this type of detoxing, especially with Memon devices, can be tricky and should be used with caution and with the supervision of a practitioner who specializes in both electromagnetic fields and toxicology.


When routinely detoxing, it is critical that we consume a clean diet, avoiding processed foods and sugar as well as eliminate gluten, dairy, grains, and other inflammatory foods and beverages.  What we put in our bodies will dramatically affect our health and regular consumption of inflammatory foods will only contribute to the problem.  When we begin to eliminate foods that negatively impact our health, our bodies will naturally accelerate detoxification, and we might find ourselves having temporary side effects from the withdrawal of sugar, caffeine, and other inflammatory foods.  Popular diets that enhances detoxification include the cowboy/bean diet promoted by nutritionist, Karen Hurd; Paleo Diet; Ketogenic Diet; and Specific Carbohydrate or GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet.  Cabbage, green leafy vegetables, and prebiotic foods such as dandilion greens help cleanse the body.  I have to be careful with sulfur rich foods like cabbage, kale, and broccoli because of my problems with methylation of sulfur which converts into formaldehyde and ammonia when I eat too many of these foods.  Natural probiotic foods such as homemade sourkraut, lactofermented vegetables, kiefer, and raw organic milk yogurts as well as raw organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" enzyme and kombucha are all incredible foods and beverages for detoxing though they may not be ideal for people with high histamine intolerance.  Some people will include specific teas and lemon water in their detox protocol.  Additionally, drinking plenty of fresh clean filtered water is necessary for cleansing the body.


According to neurologist and founder of the GAPS diet, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, juicing fresh organic vegetables and fruits is one of the best ways to detoxify.  Juicing nourishes the body with essential nutrients through fast absorption which is more effective when the fiber of the juicing pulp is removed.  In Campbell-McBride's book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, she recommends carrot, apple, celery, and beetroot juice for liver cleansing and green leafy vegetables as chelators of heavy metals.  Cabbage, apple, and celery works well for cleansing the kidneys.  It is imperative to use fresh organic produce for juicing and immediately consume the juice before it oxidizes and the beneficial enzymes are destroyed.  If you can tolerate the sugar in organic fruits, they can be added to the juice mixture to improve the taste.  I will occasionally juice with small amounts of apple.  Otherwise, I like to add fresh peppermint leaves and ginger root to my juices for a pleasant spicy flavor. Juicing should be done first thing in the morning.  For optimal detoxing, wait to eat any solid foods as their digestion will slow the detoxification process.  The body's natural detoxification process will slow down around 10 AM which is the time I typically eat my breakfast.  I have used a handful of different juicers over the years but my favorite is my champion juicer.  It is an expensive juicer; however, I had the opportunity to get one secondhand at a fraction of the retail price.


There are a myriad of detox therapies to choose from including chiropractor care, cranial sacral therapy, acupuncture, energy therapies, infrared sauna, laser detoxes, foot soaks, glutathione, activated charcoal, cheleated therapies, essential oils such as frankincense, coffee enemas, colon hydrotherapy, and other cleanses.  Everyone's ability to tolerate detox protocols varies depending on their individual body type and genetic make-up.  I am uniquely sensitive to most protocols and prefer to use an energy therapy called Field Control Therapy (FCT) for my primary detoxification.  My FCT practitioner tests for sensitivities with detoxification and designs a personalized protocol for my unique physical makeup.  This protocol identifies the primary problem and supports organs and tissue that are stressed in the detoxification process in order to safely eliminate toxins and chemicals.  I also routinely receive chiropractor care along with cranial sacral therapy; however, I have found my body does not tolerate the toxins released with these therapies so my FCT practitioner has made remedies for me to take afterwards.  I also have been detoxing through oil pulling therapy for several years.


Exercise and massage promote detoxification in activating the lymphatic system.   Stretching, yoga, and deep breathing exercises has cleansing benefits for the body.  Actively moving and sweating will help eliminate toxins, and one of the best ways to activate the lymphatic system is with a rebounder or small trampoline.  Even a few minutes on the trampoline can be an enormous benefit for the lymphs; however, those of us with chronic vertigo and vestibular disorders should limit time on the rebounder to a minute or less to avoid jerking the neck and upper-cervical spine.   Massage will also activate the lymphatic system, though some of us are very sensitive to deep tissue massage and should use this therapy with caution.   Although I am unable to tolerate full massages, I frequently massage my feet, legs, hands, and arms with coconut oil at bedtime or with my detox baths.  I try to keep a basic natural detox and exercise routine.  Upon awakening, I drink a full glass of filtered water infused with raw organic apple cider vinegar mixed with a little Himalayan rock salt solution for energy and replenishment. Then, I use my rebounder just before taking a detox bath, oil pulling, exercising, and juicing.  

Detox baths are highly recommended when herxing, especially during Lyme treatments.  I like them because they are simple, inexpensive, and relaxing. Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends rotating detox baths each day choosing between a cup of Epson salts, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, or sea salt.  Some people also use hydrogen peroxide.  Essential oils can also be added to detox baths.  Popular oils for this purpose are lavender, peppermint, or citrus blends.  Although Epson salts are popular for detoxing, I am sensitive to the sulfur in the salts and don't personally use them.  I prefer rotating between baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and a few teaspoons of ginger powder mixed with sea salt.  Before starting the detox bath, you should take a body brush and brush your skin towards your heart for a minute or two.  This helps remove dead skin and activates the lymphatic system.  The appropriate length of time for a detox bath varies depending on personal preference and ability to tolerate the bath.  I do my oil pulling therapy while soaking in the tub which takes about 20 minutes.


Whole nutrition, routine exercise, and detoxification are vital components of pure whole living.  Regular detoxing can be added to a daily routine through the inexpensive means of embracing a whole lifestyle by eating a clean diet, juicing, activating the lymphatic system, massage, exercise, oil pulling therapy, dry brushing, and detox baths.  The benefits of regular detoxing with whole nutrition include weight loss, clearer skin, enhances immune system, decreased pain and inflammation, clearer thinking, and increased energy.  Be patient with the process as it takes time to figure out the lifestyle protocol that works for you, but in the end it is worth the benefits!


We've made it through winter and the rainy season of early spring, anticipating the glorious sunshine to brighten our spirits and give our gardens a burst of new life.  The grass is now a lush green and flowers are blossoming with majesty and beauty.  Time outside basking in the warm sun is great way to boost our vitamin D and enjoy the benefits of feeling reconnected with nature.  After a cold rainy start to our week, I am looking forward to getting out my gardening tools and hummingbird feeders and relish in the warmth of spring!

"He is a lush plant before the sun, and his shoots spread over his garden."  Job 8:16



The information on this blog is based solely on personal experience and discussion with others who use detox therapies.  It is not intended for diagnosis or treatment of disease or conditions.  To choose the right detox plan, I recommend consulting a doctor or other healthcare practitioner.  For more information about detoxing, you can check out these resources.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Holistic Dental Health

Dental health is an essential component of our overall physical wellness.  When farmers and ranchers are looking to invest in quality cattle and other livestock, they will check the prospective animal's teeth because healthy gums and teeth indicate healthy livestock.  The same is true for us as humans.  When our teeth and gums are fighting underlying infections, our immune systems can wear down, negatively impacting our health, especially those of us with chronic infections, illnesses, cancer, and/or autoimmune conditions.  Metal implants, silver amalgam mercury fillings, and root canals will also potentially compromise our bodies with neurotoxins and other problematic conditions.  Additionally, our commercial toothpastes carry potentially harmful toxins such as flouride, triclosan, and sulfates which can contribute to the problem.

My health began to decline about eleven years ago, shortly after having a metal implant procedure.  Four years later, while I was unknowingly infected with Lyme disease, I received an additional dental amalgam filling.  At that time, I was unaware that the filling carried harmful levels of mercury and the adverse impact it would have on my health.  The combination of autoimmune struggles, chronic Lyme, and extreme sensitivities to dental metal seemed to be the tipping scale for me with my health battle. After becoming aware of these issues, it took me a few years to save up money to pay for procedures to safely remove and replace all my metal fillings and implants from my teeth.  Meanwhile, I educated myself about natural holistic dental health.  Here are some important tips I learned through my own personal experiences.


 There is considerable debate in the dental profession about the harmful effects of dental amalgams, metal implants, root canals, and other dental procedures.  It is important to find a dentist who is supportive of your desire for natural and holistic measures to care for your teeth and respects your concerns about these procedures.  Usually, the best option is to find a biological or holistic dentist.  There are also conventional dentists who are willing to work with you in this capacity, though they might be cautious about approaching the subject because of the controversy it entails.  Regardless, if you make the decision to have your amalgams removed, you must find a dentist who has the appropriate equipment to remove them with a rubber dam and to effectively remove mercury vapors in the air which can be dangerous for everyone involved in the procedure.  Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin.  When removing mercury fillings, you want to find an effective detox protocol to get the mercury out of your system.  Many detoxes will circulate the mercury through your body without safely eliminating it.    Those of us who have impaired detoxification pathways must especially be on alert about this. 


When we are battling chemical sensitivities, chronic migraines, illnesses, and autoimmune conditions, we should consider choosing a non-toxic fluoride-free toothpaste.  There are various natural toothpaste products available.  Many natural toothpaste brands contain chemicals that I personally am sensitive to so I prefer to make my own toothpaste and use natural dental care.  Here are a few natural dental care tips that I have found to be effective:

1.  Brush with pure baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.  Baking soda has an abrasive quality to scrub your teeth clean and hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant for eliminating oral bacteria.  Just spread some of the baking soda on your tooth brush, pour a little peroxide on the baking soda, and you are ready to go. It is not recommended to brush daily with pure baking soda itself.  I typically use it about every other day.  

2.  Make your own toothpaste.  There are numerous recipes for homemade toothpaste.  The simplest way to make toothpaste is by placing about a 1/4 cup coconut oil in a small mason jar.  Then, add a little baking soda and filtered water until it is a paste consistency and put a few drops of peppermint essential oils for taste.  You can also add a dash of Himalayan sea salt to the mixture, which is optional.  

3.  Make your own mouthwash.  Natural chemical-free mouthwash is also easy to make.  Just take a pint mason jar (I prefer using an old coconut oil jar with a lid) and fill with a cup or two of filtered water.  Add a couple teaspoons of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.  Shake to mix contents and use.  This simple mouthwash will sanitize your mouth and gums when rinsing. 


Oil pulling therapy is an excellent therapeutic and detoxification protocol for good dental health. Five years ago, my health condition made it impossible for me to make it to the dentist, and I knew I was struggling with some underlying dental infections.   As a result, I decided to try oil pulling therapy.  I started off doing the therapy three times a day and eventually reduced it to twice a day.   After completing all my necessary dental procedures, I continued oil pulling once a day.  Our mouths carry multiple types of bacteria, and when we swish with quality organic oil, it pulls the bacteria out of our teeth and gums, allowing our bodies to detoxify and heal.  The benefits of oil pulling therapy include general detoxification, decreased risk of cavities, reduction of infections in teeth and gums, and cleaner/whiter teeth.  

Coconut oil is highly recommended for this therapy because it contains lauric acid which has essential antibacterial components.  To get started, you take up to one tablespoon of organic cold pressed unprocessed coconut oil and swish it in your mouth.  Some people melt the oil on the stove as it is solid at room temperature.  I prefer to use it when it is solid and allow the heat of my mouth to melt the oil.  Start out for about 5 minutes and eventually work up to 10-20 minutes of swishing the oil in your mouth.  Try not to swallow it.  When done, simply spit it out and immediately brush your teeth.  Afterwards, the oil should be a milky white color.  Do not spit coconut oil in the sink as it will clog your pipes when it is in a solid state.  The coconut oil carries bacteria and is rank after use, so you will want to dispose it.  When first starting oil pulling, you may notice that you have cold symptoms, "herxing" reactions, and you might feel more tired than usual.  This is a sign of your body detoxifying and adjusting to the therapy.  It is normal and should subside after a week or two.   The best time of day to do oil pulling is first thing in the morning before you eat or just before bed.  When my dentist removed an infected metal crown a couple of years ago, he told me whatever I was doing seemed to work in keeping the infection at bay and said to keep it up.  That was confirmation for me that I was doing the right thing!


Quality dental care is a critical aspect of pure, simple, and whole living.  By consulting with a dental professional that is supportive of holistic health, taking good care of our teeth naturally, and avoiding metal implants and fillings as much as possible, we can give our physical wellness a healthy jump start!  In transitioning into holistic dental health, take it a step at a time and pray about the right timing to find a qualified dentist for removing/replacing any metal fillings and other implants.  A safe and effective detox program is also a critical factor in removing and replacing amalgam fillings.  Detoxing mercury has been one of the most difficult battles with my health struggles, as I was already battling a condition that was causing nerve damage.  The mercury in my body caused some unpleasant neurological side effects.  Despite my struggles with mercury detoxing and other  problems with metal implants, it was definitely worth it in the long run to have them all removed and replaced.  It is a big decision, but God sees us through!

To find a holistic or biological dentist in your area, visit this website:


Easter is one of my favorite times of year in which we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior!  Life emerges around us as the grass greens up, trees bud leaves, and bulb flowers unfold their beauty.  As we pull out last year's perennial stems and leaves to make room for new growth, remember that God does the same in our lives.  He prunes back the old and makes room for new life to spring forth in our hearts.  When the winter season has worn us down, our suffering becomes a conduit for the glory of God's power.  May his resurrection power renew our hearts with joy!

"God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power!"  1 Corinthians 6:14



I am not a doctor or an expert on dentistry.  The information in this article is based on my own personal experience and is not intended for diagnosis or treatment of dental problems or health conditions. For more information about holistic dental health, check out the following resources.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Up Close and Personal: Simple Tips for Chemical Free Living

Spring is a perfect time to reflect on fresh mercies and reset our goals for pure, simple, and whole living.  Whole living permeates every part of us as we strive to simplify our lives and reduce our toxic load.  My last blog touched on the benefits of chemical free spring cleaning, and with it I took a poll on what products those in my social network preferred to achieve this goal.  Now, I would like to go a step farther and take an "up close and personal" look at chemical free living with our personal care products.  Our skin is the largest organ of the body and is constantly exposed to/absorbing toxins in the air and the products we use.  Soaps, shampoos, deodorants, lotions, perfumes, and cosmetics are loaded with toxic chemicals that we are lathering onto our bodies.  In using these common personal care products, we are unknowingly exposing ourselves to hormone disrupting endocrine inhibitors, skin/respiratory system irritants, possible carcinogens, and other potentially damaging chemicals.


With having severe chemical sensitivities and ongoing autoimmune challenges, I have transitioned into chemical free personal products over a number of years.  I purchase natural nontoxic glycerin soaps, body washes, and lotions to use for personal care.  Most of these products can be picked up at whole foods stores or online.  One of my favorite online shopping sites for these products is the Swanson Vitamins Website which sells products at a reduced cost and offers regular promotional sales.  When making personal care purchases, I look for "fragrance free" and "free and clear" products that have as few chemicals as possible.  I avoid artificial fragrances, sulfides, petroleum, mineral oil, and other toxic chemicals as much as I can.  I do admit that I occasionally use conditioner that is not chemical free, and I have yet to research safe nontoxic cosmetics, which is a future goal mine.  I keep cosmetic use to a minimum and have tried the hypoallergenic Physician's Formula makeup that can be bought at retail stores like Walmart or Target.

The industry is full of hypoallergenic and "free and clear" products, but I prefer to follow a simple and cost effective approach to personal care.  Here are some simple inexpensive tips for chemical free personal care with my favorite products that I have found to work well for my own hygiene needs.     


Coconut oil is absolutely one of my favorite dietary and personal care products.  I always keep a bottle in the bathroom to use as a moisturizer, deodorant, and agent for oral care.  Coconut oil also makes a perfect sunscreen.  Coconut oil is a safe natural product full of anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties, not to mention it smells and tastes delicious!  I like to use coconut oil first thing in the morning for oil pulling therapy and massage my hands, feet, arms, and legs with it just before bed.  Most deodorant products contain aluminum and other toxins that can put us at risk for breast cancer.  I keep a small jelly-sized mason jar at my sink with a mixture of coconut oil and baking soda that I add by the teaspoon until the mixture is a paste consistency.  It makes a very effective homemade chemical free deodorant that keeps me feeling dry and clean all day.  You can also make your own toothpaste by mixing coconut oil, baking soda, and a little filtered water flavored with peppermint essential oils.  When purchasing coconut oil, be sure to look for unrefined organic oil.  We purchase inexpensive organic coconut oil at Aldi.


Raw organic apple cider vinegar is also one of my favorite products to use in cooking, replenishment beverages, and personal care.  It makes a very effective detox bath and can be used in place of shampoo for shiny hair.  When having a vinegar detox bath, I add a few tablespoons to my bathwater.  For a chemical free a hair wash, take a jar or glass of water and wash with a tablespoon or two of baking soda (depending on the length of your hair), wash with a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar, and then rinse.  I like to rotate hair products between a mixture of baking soda with apple cider vinegar and a hypoallergenic nontoxic hair and body wash that I get from the whole foods store.  


Hydrogen peroxide is another household favorite as a disinfectant, topical agent for sores and insect bites, as well as hand sanitizer and mouthwash.  I keep a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide in my purse in place of a hand sanitizer.  I also keep it at the sink for oral care, brushing teeth, and I make a homemade mouthwash adding a couple of teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to a small mason jar of filtered water.  I have also noticed that hydrogen peroxide speeds up the healing processes for cuts and insect bites.  It is a must in my personal care package!


Baking soda is a necessity for any chemical free household to use in cleaning products, detox baths, deodorants, toothpastes, facial and hair scrubs, etc.  The uses of baking soda are almost limitless.  It can be soothing for skin rashes as well as insect bites.  I use baking soda for hair washing, deodorant, and oral care.  When I brush my teeth, I will sometimes add a little baking soda to my tooth brush and mix with hydrogen peroxide to get my teeth and gums nice and clean.  When I add a few tablespoons of baking soda to my detox bath, it is very soft and soothing to the skin.  It is my favorite product for this purpose.


Aloe vera is a popular product for skin care and digestive health.  Why take the time and expense to purchase chemically loaded aloe products when we have a large aloe plant in our house!  Aloe plants are perfect for absorbing toxins out of the air, and their leaves can be used to treat burns and other skin conditions.  Some people also consume aloe which is said to have healing properties for our intestines.  Aloe is very easy to grow and transfer shoots into new plantings.  This versatile low maintenance plant is perfect for any chemical free household.


There is no need to go out and spend a boatload of money on personal care products when these basic tips can be used for a simple and inexpensive whole lifestyle.  Whole living is an ongoing process in which we can always improve upon and look at ways to reduce toxins in what we consume, breathe, and put on our bodies.  May we inspire and encourage each other to live well and live fully.  Our bodies will thank us!



With spring finally here, it is time to plan for your summer garden!  I was a little late this year getting my flower seeds planted.  I like to get my flowers and garden vegetables started in my laundry room with peat pellets, a small enclosed "greenhouse" planter, and a bare light bulb.  There is nothing more thrilling than watching those fragile little seeds germinate into new life!

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."  -- Robert Louis Stevenson


Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Ahead: Chemical Free Household Products on a Budget

Last week, daylight savings time arrived for us to "Spring Ahead" into a new expected season.  Spring is a time for renewal and transformation as we celebrate new life.   Spring is also a wonderful season to purge unnecessary habits and excess clutter from our lives. As we take on the seasonal Spring cleaning, let's keep in mind what chemicals we are using around the house.  Hidden and potentially harmful toxins can be lurking in our air fresheners, household cleaners, furniture polish, and soaps.  Those of us who are battling autoimmune conditions and/or experience chemical sensitivities are better off getting rid of them; however, it is a good idea for anyone to be conscientious about what household chemicals they are exposing themselves to.  Maybe it is time to clean out our utility closets, sinks, and laundry rooms and dump our bleaches, ammonia, air fresheners, and other chemically based household products.

So, what should we use in place of the typical toxic household products?  Natural household cleaning products can be purchased or made from simple ingredients. There are a myriad of options for purchasing safer household products through specialty distributors, online services, and local whole foods stores.   I have recently noticed quite a bit of raving on social media about some of the chemical free Norwex products out there.  I've used the Norwex enviro clothes for cleaning and dusting.  Essential Oils such as lemon, orange, or tee tree oil are also popular for natural cleaning.  I am not much of an essential oils person, but we do keep a small bottle of thieves around for the flu season which is also good for getting rid of mold.

 I personally keep things simple, basic, and inexpensive when it comes to cleaning.  My favorite products are Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Hydrogen Peroxide.  You can use them for almost anything when it comes to household cleaners and personal care products.  I keep 2 spray bottles filled with equal portions of vinegar and water for cleaning and disinfecting.  I also use a combination of vinegar and baking soda for scouring and cleaning toilets.  I've recently read up on the controversy with popular antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers being unbeneficial for our gut flora as well as concerns about the chemical triclosan (a potential carcinogen) found in these soaps.  Hydrogen peroxide is a safe natural disinfectant that I prefer to use for these purposes, and I keep a small bottle of it in my purse in place of hand sanitizer.  Lemon juice, olive oil, and salt are also known to work as good cleansers, although I do not personally use them.

When investing in soaps and laundry detergent, I look for "fragrance free" and "free and clear" products.  I often order reduced priced fragrance and chemical free hand and dish soap while I am purchasing supplements from the Swanson Vitamin website. There are also various options for safe and non-toxic laundry products.  Some people make their own chemical free laundry soap which is an excellent budget friendly option.  I completely avoid dryer sheets and fabric softener because they are loaded with fragrances, fire retardants, and other toxic chemicals.  Instead, I use laundry balls in the dryer, and I prefer to use the organic wool balls.  I have also heard that balling up aluminum foil works well to reduce static in the dryer.  We may have to try it on our laundry this Spring!

Chemical free cleaning does not have to be expensive or break the bank.  As we "Spring Ahead" into our daily routine and strive for a more natural and healthy lifestyle, we can collaborate on budget friendly, safer, and healthier ways to reduce the toxic exposure in our household products.  Now, I am inspired and motivated to get cleaning and set aside some items to donate to the Goodwill.  Happy purging my friends!


"It's spring fever.  That is what the name of it is.  And when you've got it, you want -- oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"  Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, Detective

This time of year, I often feel restless for warmth and sunshine as I search for any sign of Spring. With winter's escape, nature unfolds crocuses and daffodils emerging from the frosty earth like the miracle of rebirth.  Spring flowers are some of the season's most treasured gifts; however, one of my favorite signs of Spring is the valiant entrance of the American robin.  Last week, I heard that familiar squeak coming from my bedroom window and looked out to see a gorgeous plump robin perched on our maple tree.  The coming of Spring is a metaphor for patience and steadfastness.   As I wait patiently for warmer weather, I treasure up joy for these simple gifts!

"The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing."  Isiah 35:1-2



For more ideas and resources about chemical free living, you can visit these websites:

Monday, March 13, 2017

The Wellness Journey: pure, simple, whole living

Welcome to my newest Blog!  This is an extension of my other Blog, "Broken Places." I would like to utilize this Blog to share helpful tips, strategies, and the nuggets of "joyful gifts" I have attained in my path for pure, simple, and whole living.  Seven years ago, I came to realize that I needed to make some dramatic lifestyle changes which motivated me to change my eating habits, wean myself off prescription medications, and eventually switch to alternative healthcare.  Six months after my initial lifestyle change, I made the difficult decision to take a leave of absence from my career as a medical social worker in order to address some chronic health problems which led to my eventual decision to stay home with my husband and three children.  These major life decisions brought on a whole new transformation in every aspect of my life.  With my first Blog, "Broken Places", I have focused on the God's sovereignty in the painful aspects of my journey with chronic health problems.  With this Blog, "JOYFUL MAMA",  I would like to focus on God's gifts in embracing the wellness path, and I have a desire to contribute something positive and fun to inspire others to choose their wellness transformation.  As we begin this path of joy and transformation, let's take a brief look at my wellness journey!


For me the journey began with my diet, which has evolved over the past seven years through a process of trial, error, and discovery of what works and doesn't work for my unique body chemistry.  When I first decided to eat whole foods, I eliminated all gluten, dairy, synthetic sugars, and caffeine.  Then, I met with a nutritionist who placed me on an elimination diet for chronic vertigo and migraine headaches.  Eventually, I came to realize that many food products that claimed to be "healthy" and were sold in whole food stores had preservatives and chemicals that were contributing to my vertigo, physical inflammation, and migraine headaches.  As I educated myself about foods that negatively impacted my health, I decided to eliminate all processed foods and anything that converted into sugar, including fruit and grains.  For a few years, I utilized a diet rich in legumes, a form of soluble fiber that enhances the body's natural ability to detoxify.   Unfortunately, this particular diet was inflammatory to my digestive system and my body was becoming increasingly sensitive to many more foods.  After that, I switched over to Paleo diet that was low in carbs and other inflammatory foods. Then, I transitioned into a Ketogenic diet that was beneficial for neurological/nerve impairment from chronic Lyme disease.  Finally, a year ago, I started on the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet for healing benefits of the digestive system as well as the brain/nervous system.  It has been seven years since I have had a cup of coffee, a can of soda, dessert, pizza, fast food, and other foods/beverages I once craved and ate/drank in excess, and I have not missed any of them.  Once I eliminated sugar, caffeine, and junk food out of my system, I no longer craved these inflammatory foods that negatively impacted my health.  Now, I am able to truly "taste" and appreciate natural and healthy foods.  I look forward to sharing information and tips about whole nutrition in this blog!


My path for wellness has been a journey in which diet has been one piece of the puzzle.   Whole living is a way of life that is constantly evolving and changing with my experiences and knowledge about what is healthy for my mind, body, and spirit.  By engaging in adequate nutrition through diet and supplementation, eliminating household chemicals and other toxins, detoxification, rest, and exercise, I have incorporated whole living throughout my daily routine.  In this process, I have come to realize that life isn't simple and battling a chronic autoimmune condition can feel like a full time job in itself.  As a stay at home mom, writer, and wife of a franchise business owner, our lives have often felt far from simple; however, I have come to understand the importance of pacing myself.  By embracing a pure, simple, whole lifestyle, I have made the intentional effort to weed out the unnecessary aspects of my life and simplify it when I can. Spiritual and emotional wellness has been vital in this process. Through prayer and meditation, I have made intentional efforts to keep my focus on my Creator and His divine purpose in my wellness journey.  Simple, pure, and whole living starts with renewing the mind and changing the heart.  When I focus on my Creator and thank Him for all He has done, I embrace His joy in my daily routine.  This journey has been a celebration for the beautiful, simple, and sacred aspects of my life.  I want to be intentional about making sure to thank God for each wonderful gift He brings into my day.  His gifts are the transforming power for the healing and renewal that translate into wellness.


The intentional mindset of Spiritual Renewal and Joyful Heart is the conduit for enjoyment for wellness and engaging whole living with a positive mindset.   With pure whole eating habits, simple whole living, and holistic therapies, I have noticed a spiritual, emotional, and physical transformation in my daily walk.  My contentment and confidence in God's redeeming power has empowered me to be joyful in my physical battle with an autoimmune condition and my history of Chronic Lyme.

This mindset also translates into the physical aspects of wellness, and I have also seen a physical transformation since I changed my lifestyle seven years ago.  Over a period of two to three years, I lost more than 120 pounds.  Most of my weight loss was gradual; however, I did have rapid weight loss during the times I was actively fighting Lyme disease.   I can't say that holistic therapies and whole eating habits have "cured" my health; however, I have experienced many benefits.  The dark circles under my eyes disappeared within three months of changing my diet.  For years I struggled with constant upper respiratory infection symptoms of coughing, nasal congestion, and asthma symptoms.   I no longer struggle with these symptoms and am off all of my asthma medications.  Throughout my life, I also battled daily metabolic highs and lows that seemed to revolve around my eating habits and my sugar/caffeine intake.  I no longer experience the daily sugar crashes accompanied by drowsiness and "brain fog."  My blood sugar and metabolism are the most stable they have ever been, and I enjoy the freedom of overcoming my addiction to sugar, chocolate, and caffeine.  With being on the GAPS diet, rebuilding my immune system, utilizing holistic therapies and exercises, and experiencing spiritual renewal, I find myself to have clear thinking and a joyful mindset.  This journey isn't always joyful, and it has involved a lot of setbacks in my health, but I keep persevering in being intentional about focusing on gratitude, and I have no regrets with my decision to change my diet or lifestyle.  My focus is on my God, and His unending mercies are my continued joy and hope in all circumstances!


"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13


The journey of the "JOYFUL MAMA" is an evolving intentional lifestyle for pure, simple, and whole living with a focus of gratitude for the gifts that life and the Creator of life offer.  I am always learning through research as well as trial and error on strategies for whole living.  I can't wait to include my readers on this journey!  Together, we can link arms and walk confidently to the path of wellness and hope!

"Joy is the realest reality, the fullest life, and joy is always given, never grasped.  God gives gifts and I give thanks and I unwrap the gift given:  joy."  --Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts:  A dare to Live Fully Right Where You are



To learn more about my wellness journey, you can read these blog posts from "Broken Places."