Friday, May 5, 2017

Detox for Pure Whole Living

We are a part of an expeditious culture increasingly exposed to radioactive waves as well as a variety of toxins in the food and beverages we consume, the air we breathe, and other substances we encounter on a daily basis.  Our society is addicted to sugar, caffeine, diet sodas, cell phones, computers, and social media—oftentimes oblivious to what they are doing to our bodies.  Have we ever stopped to consider the price our health is paying in the process?   Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders, and numerous life-threatening conditions are plaguing our lives.   It is impossible to completely avoid toxins, radioactive waves, and the electromagnetic frequencies in our technology; however, there are ways we can be proactive with our health.  When it comes to approaching pure and whole living, it is essential that we find safe and appropriate ways to cleanse and detoxify our bodies.


Some consider toxins to be the basis for diseases and problematic health conditions, and eliminating these toxins are often the foundation of alternative healthcare for healing and prevention.  There are numerous detoxification supplements, protocols, and therapies to choose from.  The right detox program can vary depending on the individual’s unique body type and health concerns.   Detoxing will sometimes initially generate unpleasant symptoms such as upper respiratory inflammation/cough, headache, pain, nausea, and dizziness.  Your current health symptoms may also temporarily worsen during the adaption phase of detoxification.  These symptoms are known as the “healing crisis” and are normal.  When using the appropriate protocol, your body’s adverse response should improve over time as you adapt and begin to heal.  Some of us have genetically impaired detoxification pathways such as the MTHFR genetic mutation that causes impairment in the methylation process, and our bodies are not able to appropriately detoxify. Chronic inflammatory response syndrome  (CIRS), conditions that elevate histamine such as mast cell, and other autoimmune conditions also involve impaired detoxification.  In these cases, some detox protocols will not be able to efficiently eliminate toxins.  Instead, they recycle the toxins through the system, causing an increase in adverse symptoms.  I have been detoxing in different modalities for 7-10 years.  Early on, I discovered that my body responded adversely to incompatible therapies and detoxifying supplements.  It is important to have open communication with your doctor or holistic practitioner about this process to ensure the appropriateness and safety of your protocol. 


Many are unaware that the electromagnetic frequencies (EMF's) in our environment can complicate natural detoxification.  When our bodies are exposed to elevated levels of EMF's, especially satellites and WiFi, our bodies lock in heavy metals such as mercury.  More practitioners are recognizing the potential harm to the body in high EMF environments, especially for those who are battling Lyme disease, as Lyme can cause an unusual sensitivity and reaction to EMF's.  Although, we cannot block EMF's, when we can reduce exposure by removing our WiFi, Satellite, microwaves, and shut off our phones and other electronic devices for periods of time.  We can also utilize devices that help our bodies to release the EMF's through grounding and other technology such as a product called Memon.  In this process, our bodies will begin to naturally detox these metals.  I have tried several strategies in this area and have found that this type of detoxing, especially with Memon devices, can be tricky and should be used with caution and with the supervision of a practitioner who specializes in both electromagnetic fields and toxicology.


When routinely detoxing, it is critical that we consume a clean diet, avoiding processed foods and sugar as well as eliminate gluten, dairy, grains, and other inflammatory foods and beverages.  What we put in our bodies will dramatically affect our health and regular consumption of inflammatory foods will only contribute to the problem.  When we begin to eliminate foods that negatively impact our health, our bodies will naturally accelerate detoxification, and we might find ourselves having temporary side effects from the withdrawal of sugar, caffeine, and other inflammatory foods.  Popular diets that enhances detoxification include the cowboy/bean diet promoted by nutritionist, Karen Hurd; Paleo Diet; Ketogenic Diet; and Specific Carbohydrate or GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) diet.  Cabbage, green leafy vegetables, and prebiotic foods such as dandilion greens help cleanse the body.  I have to be careful with sulfur rich foods like cabbage, kale, and broccoli because of my problems with methylation of sulfur which converts into formaldehyde and ammonia when I eat too many of these foods.  Natural probiotic foods such as homemade sourkraut, lactofermented vegetables, kiefer, and raw organic milk yogurts as well as raw organic apple cider vinegar with the "mother" enzyme and kombucha are all incredible foods and beverages for detoxing though they may not be ideal for people with high histamine intolerance.  Some people will include specific teas and lemon water in their detox protocol.  Additionally, drinking plenty of fresh clean filtered water is necessary for cleansing the body.


According to neurologist and founder of the GAPS diet, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, juicing fresh organic vegetables and fruits is one of the best ways to detoxify.  Juicing nourishes the body with essential nutrients through fast absorption which is more effective when the fiber of the juicing pulp is removed.  In Campbell-McBride's book, Gut and Psychology Syndrome, she recommends carrot, apple, celery, and beetroot juice for liver cleansing and green leafy vegetables as chelators of heavy metals.  Cabbage, apple, and celery works well for cleansing the kidneys.  It is imperative to use fresh organic produce for juicing and immediately consume the juice before it oxidizes and the beneficial enzymes are destroyed.  If you can tolerate the sugar in organic fruits, they can be added to the juice mixture to improve the taste.  I will occasionally juice with small amounts of apple.  Otherwise, I like to add fresh peppermint leaves and ginger root to my juices for a pleasant spicy flavor. Juicing should be done first thing in the morning.  For optimal detoxing, wait to eat any solid foods as their digestion will slow the detoxification process.  The body's natural detoxification process will slow down around 10 AM which is the time I typically eat my breakfast.  I have used a handful of different juicers over the years but my favorite is my champion juicer.  It is an expensive juicer; however, I had the opportunity to get one secondhand at a fraction of the retail price.


There are a myriad of detox therapies to choose from including chiropractor care, cranial sacral therapy, acupuncture, energy therapies, infrared sauna, laser detoxes, foot soaks, glutathione, activated charcoal, cheleated therapies, essential oils such as frankincense, coffee enemas, colon hydrotherapy, and other cleanses.  Everyone's ability to tolerate detox protocols varies depending on their individual body type and genetic make-up.  I am uniquely sensitive to most protocols and prefer to use an energy therapy called Field Control Therapy (FCT) for my primary detoxification.  My FCT practitioner tests for sensitivities with detoxification and designs a personalized protocol for my unique physical makeup.  This protocol identifies the primary problem and supports organs and tissue that are stressed in the detoxification process in order to safely eliminate toxins and chemicals.  I also routinely receive chiropractor care along with cranial sacral therapy; however, I have found my body does not tolerate the toxins released with these therapies so my FCT practitioner has made remedies for me to take afterwards.  I also have been detoxing through oil pulling therapy for several years.


Exercise and massage promote detoxification in activating the lymphatic system.   Stretching, yoga, and deep breathing exercises has cleansing benefits for the body.  Actively moving and sweating will help eliminate toxins, and one of the best ways to activate the lymphatic system is with a rebounder or small trampoline.  Even a few minutes on the trampoline can be an enormous benefit for the lymphs; however, those of us with chronic vertigo and vestibular disorders should limit time on the rebounder to a minute or less to avoid jerking the neck and upper-cervical spine.   Massage will also activate the lymphatic system, though some of us are very sensitive to deep tissue massage and should use this therapy with caution.   Although I am unable to tolerate full massages, I frequently massage my feet, legs, hands, and arms with coconut oil at bedtime or with my detox baths.  I try to keep a basic natural detox and exercise routine.  Upon awakening, I drink a full glass of filtered water infused with raw organic apple cider vinegar mixed with a little Himalayan rock salt solution for energy and replenishment. Then, I use my rebounder just before taking a detox bath, oil pulling, exercising, and juicing.  

Detox baths are highly recommended when herxing, especially during Lyme treatments.  I like them because they are simple, inexpensive, and relaxing. Dr. Campbell-McBride recommends rotating detox baths each day choosing between a cup of Epson salts, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, or sea salt.  Some people also use hydrogen peroxide.  Essential oils can also be added to detox baths.  Popular oils for this purpose are lavender, peppermint, or citrus blends.  Although Epson salts are popular for detoxing, I am sensitive to the sulfur in the salts and don't personally use them.  I prefer rotating between baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and a few teaspoons of ginger powder mixed with sea salt.  Before starting the detox bath, you should take a body brush and brush your skin towards your heart for a minute or two.  This helps remove dead skin and activates the lymphatic system.  The appropriate length of time for a detox bath varies depending on personal preference and ability to tolerate the bath.  I do my oil pulling therapy while soaking in the tub which takes about 20 minutes.


Whole nutrition, routine exercise, and detoxification are vital components of pure whole living.  Regular detoxing can be added to a daily routine through the inexpensive means of embracing a whole lifestyle by eating a clean diet, juicing, activating the lymphatic system, massage, exercise, oil pulling therapy, dry brushing, and detox baths.  The benefits of regular detoxing with whole nutrition include weight loss, clearer skin, enhances immune system, decreased pain and inflammation, clearer thinking, and increased energy.  Be patient with the process as it takes time to figure out the lifestyle protocol that works for you, but in the end it is worth the benefits!


We've made it through winter and the rainy season of early spring, anticipating the glorious sunshine to brighten our spirits and give our gardens a burst of new life.  The grass is now a lush green and flowers are blossoming with majesty and beauty.  Time outside basking in the warm sun is great way to boost our vitamin D and enjoy the benefits of feeling reconnected with nature.  After a cold rainy start to our week, I am looking forward to getting out my gardening tools and hummingbird feeders and relish in the warmth of spring!

"He is a lush plant before the sun, and his shoots spread over his garden."  Job 8:16



The information on this blog is based solely on personal experience and discussion with others who use detox therapies.  It is not intended for diagnosis or treatment of disease or conditions.  To choose the right detox plan, I recommend consulting a doctor or other healthcare practitioner.  For more information about detoxing, you can check out these resources.

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