Last week, daylight savings time arrived for us to "Spring Ahead" into a new expected season. Spring is a time for renewal and transformation as we celebrate new life. Spring is also a wonderful season to purge unnecessary habits and excess clutter from our lives. As we take on the seasonal Spring cleaning, let's keep in mind what chemicals we are using around the house. Hidden and potentially harmful toxins can be lurking in our air fresheners, household cleaners, furniture polish, and soaps. Those of us who are battling autoimmune conditions and/or experience chemical sensitivities are better off getting rid of them; however, it is a good idea for anyone to be conscientious about what household chemicals they are exposing themselves to. Maybe it is time to clean out our utility closets, sinks, and laundry rooms and dump our bleaches, ammonia, air fresheners, and other chemically based household products.
So, what should we use in place of the typical toxic household products? Natural household cleaning products can be purchased or made from simple ingredients. There are a myriad of options for purchasing safer household products through specialty distributors, online services, and local whole foods stores. I have recently noticed quite a bit of raving on social media about some of the chemical free Norwex products out there. I've used the Norwex enviro clothes for cleaning and dusting. Essential Oils such as lemon, orange, or tee tree oil are also popular for natural cleaning. I am not much of an essential oils person, but we do keep a small bottle of thieves around for the flu season which is also good for getting rid of mold.
I personally keep things simple, basic, and inexpensive when it comes to cleaning. My favorite products are Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Hydrogen Peroxide. You can use them for almost anything when it comes to household cleaners and personal care products. I keep 2 spray bottles filled with equal portions of vinegar and water for cleaning and disinfecting. I also use a combination of vinegar and baking soda for scouring and cleaning toilets. I've recently read up on the controversy with popular antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers being unbeneficial for our gut flora as well as concerns about the chemical triclosan (a potential carcinogen) found in these soaps. Hydrogen peroxide is a safe natural disinfectant that I prefer to use for these purposes, and I keep a small bottle of it in my purse in place of hand sanitizer. Lemon juice, olive oil, and salt are also known to work as good cleansers, although I do not personally use them.
When investing in soaps and laundry detergent, I look for "fragrance free" and "free and clear" products. I often order reduced priced fragrance and chemical free hand and dish soap while I am purchasing supplements from the Swanson Vitamin website. There are also various options for safe and non-toxic laundry products. Some people make their own chemical free laundry soap which is an excellent budget friendly option. I completely avoid dryer sheets and fabric softener because they are loaded with fragrances, fire retardants, and other toxic chemicals. Instead, I use laundry balls in the dryer, and I prefer to use the organic wool balls. I have also heard that balling up aluminum foil works well to reduce static in the dryer. We may have to try it on our laundry this Spring!
Chemical free cleaning does not have to be expensive or break the bank. As we "Spring Ahead" into our daily routine and strive for a more natural and healthy lifestyle, we can collaborate on budget friendly, safer, and healthier ways to reduce the toxic exposure in our household products. Now, I am inspired and motivated to get cleaning and set aside some items to donate to the Goodwill. Happy purging my friends!
"It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want -- oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, Detective
This time of year, I often feel restless for warmth and sunshine as I search for any sign of Spring. With winter's escape, nature unfolds crocuses and daffodils emerging from the frosty earth like the miracle of rebirth. Spring flowers are some of the season's most treasured gifts; however, one of my favorite signs of Spring is the valiant entrance of the American robin. Last week, I heard that familiar squeak coming from my bedroom window and looked out to see a gorgeous plump robin perched on our maple tree. The coming of Spring is a metaphor for patience and steadfastness. As I wait patiently for warmer weather, I treasure up joy for these simple gifts!
"The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the crocus; it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice with joy and singing." Isiah 35:1-2
For more ideas and resources about chemical free living, you can visit these websites:
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