Sunday, May 21, 2017

Electromagnetic Frequencies

It was a fall day in 2011.  I had just started a round of doxycycline for chronic Lyme disease.  My husband and I were on a weekend getaway for our anniversary.  On our way back home, he took me into the local Walmart to pick up a few items.  Immediately after entering the building, I became extremely dizzy and nauseous from the bright florescent lights.  I had experienced similar symptoms off and on since I had a tick bite 2 years prior.  This time, my symptoms were extreme, and I felt like I was about to pass out, so my husband helped me back to our vehicle.  This was my first intense experience with an unfamiliar phenomenon known as EMF or electromagnetic frequency sensitivity.

Nature is made up of energy from magnetic fields, and our bodies are naturally electronic with nerve impulses.  These natural magnetic fields can become disrupted by modern day technology that generates EMFs from various sources such as power lines, cell phones, cordless phones, lap tops, computers, televisions, electronic devices, satellite, Wi-Fi, florescent lights, microwaves, appliances, medical equipment, etc.  Electromagnetic smog consumes the world that we live in and cannot be avoided.  Additionally, most people carry their smart phones, tablets, chrome books, iPods, kindles, and other devices throughout the day, and some even sleep with them.  Schools, hospitals, and other public places are saturated with high levels of electromagnetic smog from Wi-Fi and electronic devices/equipment.

Legitimate concerns are being raised about the potential health consequences from the elevated levels of EMFs in our everyday lives, increasing the risk for cancer, neurological side effects, and other physical impairments from constant EMF exposure.  People who struggle with conditions such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome related to exposure to mold, Lyme disease, and other biotoxins can have a higher risk of experiencing EMF and florescent light sensitivities.  Furthermore, exposure to heavy metals such as mercury from dental amalgams can increase sensitivity for these individuals.  My alternative practitioner whose expertise is in EMF sensitivities has also noted that his patients who are autistic also frequently struggle with EMFs.   He has additionally mentioned that a person's sensitivity to EMFs are impacted by autoimmune challenges, especially with the myelin around nerve cells as well as imbalance of electrolytes, hormones, and other aspects of the body chemistry.

In my personal health battle, EMF sensitivity has been by far the greatest frustration for me. It was especially difficult to cope with the times I was in an intense battle of herxing from the die off of Lyme spirochetes.  I would experiences bizarre symptoms such as heart palpitations, shaking/tremors, and seizure-like symptoms when I touched and/or handled electronic devices such as my cell phone, computer, the television, and common household appliances.  These extreme symptoms went away after treatment; however, I continued to experience dizziness/vertigo, nausea, and problems with balance and mobility in settings with florescent lights, WiFi, and other sources of EMFs.  When I joined some online support groups for my specific health challenges, I found out that I was not alone.  It is actually a very common struggle, especially for chronic conditions such as Lyme disease, POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia), mast cell disease, and CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome).  Some practitioners have expressed concerns about EMF exposure with these health conditions and encourage patients to adapt their environment in order to expedite the healing process.

 I have tried numerous tactics to cope with EMFs in my environment and have been able to reduce some of my exposure by having someone come in our house to identify the strongest sources of EMFs in our home and making some alterations.  We made sure that no lights or electronic devices were near ours sleeping area.  We also eliminated all florescent lights, cordless phones, and our Wi-Fi from the house.  I found it beneficial to use the speaker on my cell phone in order to avoid having it close to my head.  I have also tried various devices to help with my sensitivities including wearing headache visors and sunglasses in public places with florescent lights, using a grounding mat at home, putting strong veterinary magnets in strategic places in our house and vehicles, and trying various devices designed by a company called Memon.     There has been some debate in my social network as to the legitimacy of Memon devices.  I think much of this controversy derives from a misunderstanding about EMFs and what the purpose of the Memon is.  I personally do not understand specifically how EMFs or these devices work and would have assumed that the Memon was used to get rid of them or cancel them out if I wasn't told otherwise; however, a Memon technician or practitioner who uses them would tell you that they do not eliminate EMFs and the increasing innovation of new technology is constantly challenging these devices.  It is impossible to eliminate EMFs from the environment but some devices are designed to use grounding, shielding, and principles of quantum physics through a process known as "harmonizing" which helps individuals cope with electromagnetic smog as well as allowing the body to release these potentially harmful frequencies.

When we purchased our first Memon, we were somewhat skeptical; however, my friend who was also considering purchasing one asked her husband, an electrical engineer, to call one of the engineers with the company to investigate the logistics of Memon technology.  He felt strongly that they were legitimate devices which helped us to make an informed decision to give it a try.  Since purchasing Memon devices,  I would say the greatest benefit I have experienced from using them is experiencing better rest at night as it has helped me to restore my body's natural biorhythms.  I have also found some Memon devices to be powerful in accelerating the body's detoxification process, especially for people who have higher levels of mercury and metals in their system.  My practitioner recommended I stop using the personal Memon device I was keeping on my body because my body was unable to tolerate the rapid detoxification of mercury.  Now, I keep the device on my computer and carry it in my purse when visiting public places, which works much better for me.  I would recommend people who have significant chemical, light, and EMF sensitivities to consult with a practitioner who specializes in EMFs before trying Memon devices other than ones for cell phone and other small electronic devices. The use of these devices can be somewhat tricky when it comes to detoxification and herxing; however, when used properly, the end result is worth it.

In this process of adapting my environment, I actually do quite well at home but still struggle in public places, especially schools and hospitals.  My sensitivities are slowly getting better over time, and I was recently able to attend my three kids' Christmas programs and sit through them all without feeling like I was going to pass out.  I was pleased to gain this ground; however, I know that I have a ways to go before I am able to physically handle environments with strong florescent lights and elevated EMF's.   I try to keep a positive attitude about it and never give up hope!



One of my favorite pastimes in the spring and summer is watching the hummingbirds, oriels, and gold finches at our feeders.   My spirit swells with joy when observing these lovely creatures that testify to God's glory.  A few years ago, my preschooler enjoyed  looking out the window to watch a hummer we named "Ruby."  Day and night, the tiny critter stationed himself near the feeder to monitor and chase off other birds.  One day my sweet boy was looking at a Backyard Birds book and shouted out the window, "Hey Ruby, I have your picture!"  

"The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land."  Song of Solomon 2:12-14



The information in this article are based on personal experiences and are not intended as expert advice on EMFs or to diagnose or treat health issues.  For more information about EMFs and their association with Lyme disease and other health risks, you can check out these links.


  1. Exact same issue for me. I FB IM you a PDF. Acupuncture, CBD/THC, and PEMF were helpful for me along with MANY other modalities. I am 98% better.

    1. Good for you! I'm glad you are feeling better.
